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Overworked Air Condition

If your home is too hot, you probably turn up your AC system. What you may not realize is that you are slowly overworking your AC unit. An overworked air conditioner can increase your cooling costs and impact your indoor air quality. Air conditioning repair in Tampa is the best option to restore your HVAC unit. If you notice any of these seven signs, you might have an overworked air conditioner. 

1. The Unit is Constantly Running

It is a common misconception that you need your AC system on at all times to cool your home effectively. Your AC should only have to kick on to bring your home to the set temperature and then periodically to maintain it. 

If your AC is constantly running, something is likely wrong. A unit that is constantly running could be an overworked air conditioner, but there are other causes as well. Here are a few other reasons your AC might be running too much: 

2. It is an Old Unit

A typical HVAC unit will last around 15 years with proper care. As it ages, it will begin to work less efficiently. An old air conditioner will have to work harder to provide the same level of cooling. Proper maintenance is the best way to increase a unit's lifespan and keep it working. 

However, even the best maintenance practices can't prevent an AC system from aging. If you notice that your air conditioner is starting to need repairs more often or is over ten years old, it may be time to consider replacement options. 

3. The HVAC Unit Leaks

Your air conditioner relies on a coil filled with refrigerant to do its job. Heavy use and time can lead to corrosion in that coil that eventually can cause it to leak. It's vital to call an emergency HVAC repair service right away if you notice an AC leak because refrigerant is toxic and poses serious health risks. 

A leaking HVAC unit is a more significant sign of an overworked air conditioner. Scheduling regular maintenance and inspections is the best way to prevent evaporator coil leaks. If you do come across a leak, don’t hesitate to call ABS Air Conditioning Company for an emergency repair anywhere in Tampa. 

4. It Needs Frequent Repairs

It’s normal for your AC to require repair now and again. However, the need for frequent repairs suggests your air conditioner is overworked. Like any other machine, your cooling system has a wide range of components that suffer wear with use. If your AC is working harder or coming on too often, those components are more likely to fail and require repairs. 

5. It Makes Strange Noises

While no air conditioner is silent, your unit should be relatively quiet. In fact, in many areas of Florida, cooling systems are required to meet set standards to reduce noise pollution in heavily populated areas. Much like the need for frequent repair, unusual sounds are a sign of heavy use and system damage—in other words, an overworked air conditioner. 

Clogged ducts, duct damage, and loose parts are just a few of the issues that can cause your HVAC to make noises. However, the most common cause is a malfunctioning air compressor. Learn more about AC compressor repair. 

6. Your House Feels Humid

A humid house is an uncomfortable experience that could be a sign of an overworked air conditioner. A functioning HVAC will cool and dehumidify the air as it releases it back into your home. Similar to when your house is too warm, an overworked unit may fail to remove moisture from the air in your home properly. HVAC repair may be sufficient to restore your unit’s efficiency, or it may need to be replaced. 

7. Your Energy Bills Increase

The main issue with an overworked air conditioner is that it has to kick on more frequently and run longer to provide the same level of cooling. That does more than just place unnecessary wear on the system. 

Although you may not notice it at first, it also gradually increases your energy bills and can lead to significant costs. Cooling costs make 35-42% of the average home’s electricity bill. An overworked air conditioner could be costing you close to $900 per year. In most cases, repair is a far more cost-effective option—even replacement costs can be recouped quickly. 

Efficient HVAC Repair Services in Tampa

To sum things up, having an overworked air conditioner affects your home's indoor air quality, efficiency, and may even present safety risks. 

While there are some steps you can take to reduce your AC use, such as avoiding changing the thermostat setting more than three degrees at a time and ensuring your home is properly sealed and insulated, chances are your unit already needs some TLC. Some problems, such as a leaking AC unit, require emergency services, while others can wait a few days. 

If you’re experiencing any of the issues above, it’s best to call for an inspection and tune-up. An experienced HVAC contractor can determine if your system needs repairs and restore it to optimal efficiency. 

Whatever the issue with your air conditioner, contacting a professional HVAC technician as soon as possible is the best way to prevent the problem from escalating into something more severe. Call (813) 933-1000 today to schedule AC repair from ABS Air Conditioning Company.

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