An air conditioning compressor plays a pivotal role in the operation of an AC unit. This component circulates the refrigerant, ensuring the unit can cool the air. Sometimes, these parts break down, leaving property owners wondering how to repair the compressor of the AC.
You can learn all about air conditioning repair from the team at ABS Air Conditioning. Reach out to the professionals at (813) 440-6774.
Review the Causes of Compressor Breakdowns
When determining if it’s time to replace your condenser, the professionals at ABS recommend considering the causes of the breakdown. In some cases, they can focus on repairing the AC compressor instead of replacing the unit.
Before considering a replacement, HVAC technicians:
- Check the circuit breaker to make sure it did not trip
- See if the AC unit blows cold air when turned on
- Ensure that the thermostat is programmed correctly
AC units can only blow cool air if the compressor circulates the refrigerant properly. An AC unit that effectively lowers the temperature probably does not require an AC compressor replacement.
Repair or Replace an Air Compressor
In some situations, technicians can repair your damaged compressor. However, if your compressor breaks down completely, it’s often safer and more cost-effective to replace the part. Many compressors come with a ten-year warranty, allowing for easy replacement.
You may decide to replace the compressor if the unit remains in warranty. Sometimes, the condenser unit needs to be exchanged for a new model in addition to the compressor to ensure that the AC system resumes functioning correctly.
Replacing the air compressor requires an HVAC crew to remove the:
- Refrigerant
- Receiver drier
- Orifice tube
- Expansion valve
Crews then remove any debris and place the new compressor and any associated parts. Technicians can also ensure that the problem is the compressor and not a less severe issue, such as problems with the suction lines, dirt on the coils, or a failure of oil lubricant.
Consider Replacing the Entire Air Conditioner
You can also choose to replace your entire AC unit if the compressor fails. Many residential and commercial property owners take this step because when the compressor gives out, it’s often time to replace the aging AC unit entirely.
Selecting a new AC unit allows you to improve the energy efficiency of your system, which can lower utility bills. Additionally, compressors represent a costly investment. Some property owners do not want to replace an expensive part in an older AC unit.
Get Help with AC Compressor Repair
Do you have questions about how to repair an AC compressor? Get professional help from an air conditioning company in Wesley Chapel, FL, by contacting ABS Air Conditioning at (813) 440-6774.