air conditioning repair tampa

4 Signs That Indicate Mold Presence in Your HVAC System – What to Know

ABS Cool Teamair conditioning

Heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) duct systems are more integral to your home than you may realize. Not only does it control the air-flow and temperature within your home, but it also plays a part in the general cleanliness of your home. Many take it for granted because their HVAC duct system is working all day, and forgetting its maintenance will cause it to degrade or breakdown over time.

One of the most common issues that your ducts can have is actually one that isn’t so obvious: mold. While it is usually invisible to the naked eye, seeing mold flying around your room means that you already have an infestation in your HVAC ducts.

How your HVAC duct systems get mold

Mold, like any fungus, thrives on dirt and moisture. Your ducts get moisture from the vapor-rich air outside, which adds water to the dust and other wastes that are already stuck in the vents. The warm temperature in the vent system then becomes perfect for the mold, causing it to grow and spread rapidly.

These microscopic fungi are difficult to detect at first, which is why an infestation can spread quickly. This does not mean all is lost, however, as there are other ways to detect and get ahead of the spreading mold.

In this article, we will share with you four signs that indicate the early onset of mold:

Foul Scents

Although the presence of mold may not be apparent to the naked eye, your sense of smell might be the first to catch a whiff of growing mold. When mold has grown and spread to a certain extent, you can start getting hints of a musty or mildew-like scent in the air. This is not noticeable at first and is usually more obvious in rooms that aren’t ventilated often.

Irritation and Allergies

The mold that flies around in the air will enter your eyes, nose, and sometimes your mouth. This usually results in eye irritation, runny nose, or watery eyes. In more severe cases, your body might react as if having an allergy, resulting in rashes and repetitive sneezing.

Headaches and Nausea

Know that large amounts of mold exposure to your body can cause physical distress, such as dizziness or fatigue. Some people who get too much exposure may even start getting headaches and nauseous episodes. To differentiate whether it’s because of the mold instead of regular flu-like symptoms, the symptoms usually go away quickly once out of mold-infested premises.


The previous signs would probably be more apparent at first, but if you want visual confirmation, a quick look into your duct system may do the trick. A close inspection of the intake vents’ openings might reveal some black-and-white or green-and-brown spots, most of which are usually mold. In some severe cases, a layer of slime might be detected as well.


Many homeowners may take the signs above as a chance to resolve the problem with some scrutinous cleaning and DIY mold removal solutions, but they aren’t entirely recommended. You may be able to get most of the visible mold out, however, missing on a small amount of mold can bring the infestation back within a matter of weeks. This puts way too much effort on a recurring problem leaving you and your family sick due to the mold exposure.

When having suspected cases of mold, or recurring infestations, contact a certified technician to help you diagnose and resolve the solution right away. For high-quality and expert air conditioner repair and maintenance services in Tampa, get in touch with us today to see how we can help!