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types of airconditioning systems in commercial buildings

The hot, humid weather in Florida makes air conditioning a necessity, even in commercial buildings. It’s essential to know the different types of air conditioning systems in commercial buildings if you need to install a new system for your business. A local Tampa HVAC company like ABS Air Conditioning can determine which type of system is the most effective for combatting indoor temperatures.

Types of Commercial Air Conditioning Systems

Each cooling system will work differently depending on your commercial building’s size and insulation. Let’s take a look at each of the systems your HVAC technician might install.

Single-Split Air Conditioning System

Small commercial buildings such as cafes or single small offices cool down more efficiently with a single-split air conditioning system. A single-split system is more affordable because of its size. It uses an air handler with an evaporator system and AC unit. This system will bring cold air to your business without raising your electric bill too much.

Multi-Split Air Conditioning System

A multi-split AC system works similarly to a single-split system as it uses the same HVAC components. However, with a multi-split system, multiple indoor units connect to one large outdoor AC unit. A multi-split system is ideal for efficiently cooling medium-sized commercial buildings if you don’t want the potential inconveniences that can happen when you rely on multiple single-split systems.

VRV Air Conditioning System

A variable refrigerant volume (VRV) system involves running different refrigerant volumes through refrigerant lines for temperature control in large commercial buildings by means of a heat pump. Heat pump systems can cool and heat your indoor space very efficiently.

A VRV system is one of the types of air conditioning systems in commercial buildings that can simultaneously control different temperatures in different indoor areas.

VAV Air Conditioning System

Unlike a VRV system, a variable air volume (VAV) AC system varies the amount of air it pushes through the ducts in various areas of your large commercial building. This system utilizes both a condensing unit and a heating unit to maintain an ideal indoor temperature. VAV systems allow for more precise temperature control than other types of air conditioning systems, and the fan noise is less loud.

Commercial Air Conditioning Services in Tampa

When you need commercial air conditioning services in Tampa, FL, an HVAC expert at ABS Air Conditioning can:

Call ABS Air Conditioning in Tampa, FL, when you need a commercial air conditioning system you can trust. With their skilled service, your cooling system will last for years. Dial 813-933-1000 to make an appointment today.

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