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While in the past, most people would try to cool down with cool washcloths or by rigorously fanning themselves, most people are now spoiled with central cooling systems. Many people have become so accustomed to using their air conditioners that some homes may leave it running at all hours of the day without questioning how much energy they may be consuming. However, when that utility bill comes in the mail, it might be a rude awakening.

Now that summers are, on average, growing hotter, and the usual home is growing larger, the energy used by air conditioning systems has doubled between 1993 and 2005. This number leaped by another 20% by 2010. As technology becomes more efficient regarding energy usage, this number may start to plateau. However, units bought closer to 1993 are often far more inefficient than newer models.

By switching to newer high-efficiency air conditioners, as well as taking other actions such as closing shades and circulating the air, a homeowner could reduce energy consumption from central air cooling systems anywhere from 20 to 50%. However, without regular examinations by air conditioning services, there is no way to be sure that you're getting the most out of your cooling system.

Considering that only around 42% of homeowners in the United States have air conditioning services perform regular maintenance on their units, some extra care could end up substantially cutting down on energy bills. Like any other piece of equipment or appliance, to keep them running at optimum efficiency you can't simply ignore it until it stops working. Making air conditioning repairs early before some parts may not be salvageable can save you even more money since you won't need to buy as many new parts.

Whether you're simply looking for a way to slash your utility bills, or attempting to be more environmentally conscious, air conditioning services can help ensure that you're getting the most out of your central cooling systems.

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