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Smart thermostats can make your run-of-the-mill AC unit a more energy-efficient system and save you serious money. As long as you have a smartphone, you can start using a smart thermostat almost immediately.

First, however, you're going to need to install it. The good news is that installing a smart home thermostat isn't as hard as it may seem.

Today, we're offering a simple AC installation guide that will upgrade your home in no time.

Read on to learn the steps to take to install a smart thermostat in your home.

Preparing for Installation

First, you're going to need to turn off the circuit breaker powering your HVAC system. If your AC is currently running, we recommend waiting until it completes its cycle. After shutting off the power source, turn the thermostat down by at least ten degrees to make sure the system is actually off (it will start running if it isn't).

Then, remove the current thermostat cover and take a picture of the wires below. Label the wires according to proper use before using a screwdriver to remove the current thermostat backplate from the wall. 

Installing Your Smart Thermostat

Thread the wires through the backplate of your new smart thermostat. It should be easy to locate the hole or holes the wires are meant to go through. Once the wires are through, screw the backplate into the wall.

Use the stickers and photo you took to attach each wire to its proper connector. You'll hear a clicking sound when the wires are pushed in far enough. Flatten the connected wires so that you can screw or snap the display onto the backplate and turn the system on. 

Using Your Smart Thermostat

Each smart thermostat works with a corresponding app that you can download to your smartphone, tablet, and/or other internet-enabled devices. Follow the manufacturer's instructions to download and set up the app so that it is connected to your newly installed thermostat. You should be able to set and maintain your home temperature as soon as the smart thermostat is installed.

If the thermostat doesn't appear to be working, it may be time to take a closer look at your AC unit. Keep in mind that AC systems tend to have a lifespan of about 15 to 25 years. If your AC is no longer working in an efficient way, you may not be able to reap the smart home benefits of your new thermostat.

Need AC Installation? Call ABS

A smart thermostat can have a huge impact on your energy bills this summer, even if your AC system isn't brand new. However, some homeowners may find that new AC installation is needed in order to get the most out of their new thermostat.

Do you need AC installation in the St. Petersburg area? Contact ABS for all of your heating and cooling needs. We're proud to offer AC installation, AC repair, and more. 

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